Why Bedframe?


Browser extensions are just html, css and js

You've likely read that somewhere, right? And HTML, CSS and JS are your bread and butter so you think, "Ok! How hard can this be then, anyway?"

The Hero's journey

Then, the adventurous soul that you are, you wander the raw and naked internet searching... you become intimately familiar with the Github sort and filter functionality... the desert of the stale StackOverflow questions becomes thy constant friend... some things will work, some things will not... when was that template last updated? Is this answer still relevant?

To yourself you'll mutter, "This is a teenie tiny website I'm trying to build here! A lil app for the browser! Why is it so difficult?!"

What can be, unburdened...

You'll think about how good you have it in regular web dev world: you write code, raise a PR, merge to main and the Github actions lints, tests, builds and CDs your code to prod! Automatically. Continuously... "Can I have the same in extension land?, you'll wonder. No way i'm gonna have to set all that up myself! Convention over configuration... code as architecture and all that, right?!


And that's how we become bedfellows, you and me! Bedframe gets you from prototype to — Github to web store — to profit a little faster than you otherwise would wandering the internet without a sherpa. You could do this all by yourself, there's nothing proprietary about it. Just good ol' conventions that simplify your path.

Why does Bedframe exist?

Beframe exists because its what you'll eventually arrive at when you finally say:

This is ridiculous! I want to build browser extensions like a fully grown adult human person! Basically:

  1. I am neither Mario nor Luigi. I am not a plumber! I do not want to spend my time configuring things. It doesn’t spark joy and that's just how i'm living nowadays! I want to get to the parts i enjoy (and that are profitable) as fast as possible.
  2. What I want is to build extensions the same way I build for the regular web! Set me up with some sensible defaults, all the modern goodness (I know and love) and let me do what I do best.
  3. I want my React and I want my Vue or maybe even Qwik or Svelte or whatever frontend framework I'm enjoying at the moment. And TypeScript too, btw. I want my HMR and asset importing, I want my fonts handled
  4. What’s all this MV2 / MV3 talk recently btw? Actually, you know what, nevermind. I don’t care. I don't want to learn new DSLs or get into browser politics. I just want to get started building. Oh, and I don't want to start from scratch every time!
  5. Also, what's the source control, deployment and publishing (Git + CI and CD) story? I want something for that too. I want to make changes on my local, commit them, push to Github, merge into main and automatically version and publish.
  6. Basically I want a prod-ready dev setup. Standard stuff, really. I am a full grown adult here.

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